Friday, May 8, 2009

Behavior Plans: Who should implement?

Q. My daugher has school behavor problems. She has a behavorial plan. Should everyone at school implement the plan, including teachers, security, coaches, and administration, or is it only for classroom teachers?

A. It depends. You must look at the IEP and the behavior plan to see how it is to be implemented.

In general, behavior plans should extend to all settings in which behaviors occur. However, a vague IEP or behavior plan opens the door to lots of different interpretations.

A more important question is that if you do not understand where the school should implement the behavior plan you cannot expect anyone at school to understand when and where they should implement it.

I strongly suggest that you convene the IEP team, work this out, and put it in writing so that EVERYONE knows the intent of the behavior plan.

1 comment:

kcspecialed said...

Pat is right: Behavior plans are especially important to have in place. When or if the law enforcement authorities become involved a behavior plan can serve to legitimize the disability in that system.