Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Special Education Advocacy Training Introductory Meeting

COMING SOON: April 2014 SEATT Introductory Meeting

Are you a parent of a child who is in special education or who is struggling in school and you have been unsuccessful in getting appropriate services? Do you know a parent who has a child who is struggling in school? Are you intimidated by your IEP Meetings? SEATT is for you. We will be holding trainings on general advocacy, tests and measurements, Organizing your child's file, and other topics of interest. Please email me at patricia.howey@gmail.com if you are interested in participating. While this Advocacy group targets Tippecanoe County and the surrounding area, we welcome any parent who needs to learn to be a better, more efficient and effective advocate for their child.

Stay tuned here or on my website: http://www.pathowey.com for details on exactly when and where this meeting will be held.

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