Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Robert Crabtree: Do's and Don'ts for Teacher-Advocates (Part Two)

Massachusetts attorney, Bob Crabtree has written another great article for the newsletter of Massachusetts' Parent Information and Training Program, the Federation for Children with Special Needs. In the FCSN's newsletter, Newsline, Bob continued his great article on how Teacher-Advocates can act in the best interest of their students yet protect their important positions. You can access this article at: You can subscribe to the e-version of this excellent newsletter by clicking here.

Here is a summary of Bob's hints in his latest article:

1. Always maintain a professional demeanor.
2. Know your student.
4. Teach by the book!
5. Communicate directly and honestly.
6. Team up with similarly minded professionals.
7. When working with administrators assume a common goal.
8. Be understanding about anxious parents.

Be sure to read the entire article. Bob gives much more information than this short summary I have provided.

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